S L XL M D Like a drive through Beverly Hills, watching John Wick Chapter 2 is a good reminder that a lot of people - and a disporportionate number in Hollywood - don't know the difference between style and decadence. I didn't review or even watch John Wick in 2014, when it was released. It looked like just another action flick to me, not that different from Jack Reacher or Taken , other movies I didn't watch. But I kept hearing about it, and hearing about it, and when the sequel (or second chapter, or whatever) was released and the word was that it also was good, I thought I'd better check them both out. Q u ic k review of the first goes like this: despite an old and tired plot (irresponsible son of a gangster pisses off the wrong guy, and his powerful father must try, unsuccessfully, to keep him alive) John Wick is an enjoyable movie because it has style. He has a cool car. He doesn't talk much. The action scenes ar...
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